Marionetten Puppets
Works of Art
Paintings of Puppets in Pastel
by Birgitte Knaus
While often visiting my sister near Salzburg / Austria, I once went to the “Salzburger Marionettentheater”, to watch one of their presentations, which are famous for their performances of Mozart operas, established in 1913 by Anton Aicher (1859-1930).
Soon after I was introduced to the owners, and I had the opportunity to visit their backstage storage chambers, where they had all their theater-puppets, each one hanging freely inside a large room.
Inspired by their beauty and expressions they had, I took many photos of them, then later back in London, I started to draw this collection of Marionette Puppets in Pastel.
If anyone is interested in having copies done of one or more of these pastel paintings, the procedure is like all other paintings on this site.
Please contact the artist at:
FR – +33 680 181 243
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